CONTENT 1. QUOTES - We're Honored to Host the World's Largest Selection of the Most Powerful, Potent and Popular Rumi Quotes (253). 2. SHORT POEMS - Rumi Quatrains. Topics Include Spiritual, Passionate, Blasphemous and Tavern of Drunkards. 3. POEMS - Rumi Odes. |
Rumi Network's
Shiva | Rumi Network | All Rights Reserved. * * * * * * * 1. Come, come, whoever you are, a pagan, an idol worshiper or an infidel. Come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. Ours is not a caravan of despair. Come. 2. When what you really love beckons you, let go and let the waves of desire take you there. Your instincts are you guide. 3. Beyond belief and knowing, good and evil, light and dark is the realm of lovers. Set your goal on that field. 4. If they ask what you do, say I create beauty in all things. 5. Lie down with your eyes closed, watch the sky bloom with hundreds of bright, sparkling flowers. 6. In your light, I know love. In your beauty, I make poetry. You suddenly dance inside my chest, hidden from view. My art becomes this expression. 7. Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames. 8. If light is in your heart, you will find your way home. 9. Laugh as much as you breathe. Love as long as you live. 10. Be silent, and go into that place where everything is music. 11. I have come to bring out the beauty you never knew you had and lift you up like a prayer to the sky. 12. Love, you are my certainty. Lift me to the stars. This "I" is a figment of my imagination. 13. Go find yourself first, so you can also find me. 14. The one who was always in my thoughts, for whom I've searched so long, has come to me with open arms, laying flowers on my path. 15. The middle path is the way to wisdom. 16. Dance as you rise above the two worlds. Dance to tear your heart to pieces and give up your soul. 17. There is a morning inside you waiting to burst into light. 18. Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion. 19. Be warmed with love, for only love exists. Where is intimacy except in giving and receiving? @Shahram
Shiva | Rumi Network | All Rights Reserved. 20. Let go of your cup filled with yesterday, instead drink the nectar of this moment. 21. The desire to know your own soul will end all other desires. 22. When lovers of life get ready to dance, the earth shakes and the sky trembles. 23. When you surpass the human state, your angelic nature will unfold beyond this world. Surpass the angels then enter that timeless ocean. 24. What matters is how quickly you do what your soul wants. 25. Observe the wonders around you. Feel the artistry moving through and be silent. 26. Your defects are the ways that glory gets manifested. 27. How can you ever hope to know the Beloved without becoming in every cell the lover? 28. Love is the bridge between you and everything. 29. A life without Love isn't a life. 30. On this path let the heart be your guide. 31. The very center of your heart is where life begins. The most beautiful place on earth. 32. Respond to every call that ignites your spirit. 33. Why struggle to open the door between you and I, when the separation is an illusion. 34. Don't give me back to my old companions. Inside you my yearning stops. 35. First there is the calamity of love. When the lover has lost his senses and his bearings, then the teacher appears. 36. It's your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. 37. Love is from the infinite, and will remain until eternity. The seeker of love escapes the chains of birth and death. 38. Your love lifts my soul from the body to the sky, and you lift me up out of the two worlds. 39. It is your turn now. You waited; you were patient. The time has come for us to polish you. We will transform your inner pearl into a house of fire. @Shahram
Shiva | Rumi Network | All Rights Reserved. 40. You're a gold mine. Did you know that, hidden in the dust of the earth. It is your turn now, to be placed in fire. Let us cremate your impurities. 41. The infidels aren't lost. You are lost. That's why everyone else seems lost to you. 42. This world is teeming with the presence of Christ. 43. We have become one in such a way, that I am confused whether I am you, or you are me. 44. Stop thinking small. You have the whole universe inside you. 45. Everything that you seek. You are already that. 46. Do you know what you are? You are a manuscript of a divine letter. You are a mirror reflecting a noble face. 47. This universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself. Everything that you seek, you are already that. 48. Caught by our own thoughts, we worry about everything, but once we get drunk on that love, whatever will be, will be. 49. A true lover doesn't follow any one religion, be sure of that. 50. Love is best when mixed with anguish. In our town, we won't call you a lover if you escape the pain. 51. Tonight is the night. It's the creation of that land of eternity. It's not an ordinary night, it's a wedding of those who seek love. 52. To deal with you hiding behind your holiness, I seek a good time instead. 53. Show me an intellect gone mad and I will show you a soul departed for good. 54. I have lost myself in God, and now God is mine. Don't look for Him in every direction, for He is in my soul. 55. In the path of union, the wise man and the mad man are one. 56. Oh, soul, you worry too much. 57. He smiled like a rose in full bloom, he said, come into the heart of fire. There you will see what you thought was a flame, is only jasmine. 58. When you dance the whole universe dances. 59. I am powerless by love's game. How can you expect me to behave and act modest? @Shahram
Shiva | Rumi Network | All Rights Reserved. 60. Die in love and stay alive forever. 61. Don't act so small, you have the whole universe inside you. 62. I have come to bring out the beauty in you. 63. Love came and moved like blood in my body. It rushed through my veins and encircled my heart. 64. When you finally see your own true beauty, you will become an idol for yourself. 65. Love is the strand that connects you to you. 66. If your heart is not with me, sitting together is not enough. 67. The lover and the Beloved are like a mirror for each other, one is the cause for the other's effect. 68. Sorrow said to me, all this joy that you have brought to the world has killed my business completely. 69. Your body is like a guest house, receiving company from the hidden world. Some are positive, some are tragic and still others who are frantic. 70. What you are seeking is also seeking you. 71. Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction. 72. The "infidels" aren't lost. You are lost, that is why everyone else seems lost. 73. A true lover doesn't follow any one religion, since in the religion of love, there is no mosque or priest. 74. I've become a rose petal and you are like the wind for me, take me for a ride. 75. Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead, let life live through you. 76. Do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come? 77. They say love opens a door from one heart to another. But if there is no wall, how can there be a door. 78. Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, I am changing myself. 79. When were you ever made less by dying? @Shahram
Shiva | Rumi Network | All Rights Reserved. 80. Only from the heart can you touch the sky. 81. Laugh as much as you breathe. Love as long as you live. 82. If I love myself, I love you. If I love you, I love myself. 83. The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you 84. True lovers aren't formed by chance. They are for each other from the start. 85. In the path of union, the wise man and the mad man are one. 86. There is a path from me to you that I am constantly searching for. 87. A true lover doesn't follow any one religion, since in the religion of love, there is no irreverence or faith. 88. Love elevates you to the next level. 89. You are the comfort of my soul. You are the wealth of my spirit. 90. Find the sweetness in your own heart, then you may find the sweetness in every heart. 91. I am yours. Don't give me back to myself again. 92. Your heart and my heart are very old friends. 93. Love is not an emotion; it is your very existence. 94. I don't want learning, or dignity, or respectability. I want this music, and this dawn, and the warmth of your cheek against mine. 95. When you seek love with all your heart, you'll find that it echoes throughout the universe 96. I want that love that will raise the dead. 97. I want that love that brings out the beauty of silence. 98. Choose love. Choose love. 99. It is the inner bond that draws one person to another, not words. @Shahram
Shiva | Rumi Network | All Rights Reserved. 100. You may learn a bit by reading, but you will understand with love. 101. The love you seek with all your heart, echoes throughout the universe. 102. Every moment is made glorious by the light of love. 103. The message behind the words is the voice of the heart. 104. Remember, love is reckless, but reason pursues a profit. True love is all-consuming and totally unabashed. 105. A lifetime without love is of no account 106. Love is the Water of Life. 107. What a Joy, to travel the way of the heart. 108. You reap what you sow. With life as short as a breath, don't plant anything but love. 109. Beloved, am I the seeker or the sought? Until I am I, you are another. There is no place for "You" and "I" in unity. 110. Giving thanks for abundance is greater than the abundance itself. 111. You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop. 112. Why should I seek? I'm the same as he. His essence speaks through me. I've been looking for myself. 113. Your task is not to seek love, but to search and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. 114. There is a voice that doesn't use words, listen. 115. Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment. 116. You are the drop and the ocean. 117. The words you speak become the house you live in. 118. Little by little you will turn into a whole sweet amorous universe. 119. You've seen my descent. Now watch my rising. @Shahram
Shiva | Rumi Network | All Rights Reserved. 120. The wound is where the light enters you. 121. Of those who are blind to your beauty and deaf to your songs, why do you worry? 122. Build a ship, and there will be water to greet it. 123. Your face lights up like a flower in bloom when hit with the truth of love. 124. Why are you so enchanted by this world, when a mine of gold lies within you? 125. When the oceans surge let them splash inside your chest. 126. There is an unseen presence that bestows gifts. 127. Any pain you may feel, is a messenger, listen to it. 128. When will you begin that long journey into yourself? 129. Like melting snow, wash yourself of yourself. 130. We hold inside the wonders we seek outside. 131. Don't search among the branches when the answer is in the roots. 132. There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen! 133. You were born with wings, why crawl through life. 134. Unfold your own myth. 135. If you find every wipe of your soul irritating, how will you ever be polished. 136. My soul is from elsewhere, I know I will end up there. 137. Love
knows the way. 138. Let's delight in one another now, before there is no more of you and I. 139. Let's get drunk on one another now, before there is no more of you and I. @Shahram
Shiva | Rumi Network | All Rights Reserved. 140. Don't place kisses on my tombstone after I die, smother me with them now. 141. Everything
holds a pleasing form, but not everyone appreciates it. 142. What you seek, is seeking you. 143. May your instincts be your guide. 144. Welcome, now be fearless. My words are fire. 145. You are the truth from head to toe. 146. Don't
grieve. Anything lost returns in another form. 148. Dance,
when you're broken open. Dance and become free. 150. You're
almost there, just follow my voice. 151. If everything
around seems dark, you may need to brighten your light. 153. The
only lasting beauty is the truth of the heart. 154. As you
start to walk, the way appears. 156. Joy
is closer to the truth than pain or sorrow. Choose joy. 157. The
water also seeks the thirsty. 158. I searched
for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only
God. 159. It is silent that draws one person to another, not words. @Shahram
Shiva | Rumi Network | All Rights Reserved. 160. With
my mouth closed I spoke to you in a hundred silent ways. 161. I don't
want learning. I want the warmth of your cheek against mine. 163. Love
said to me, there is nothing that is not me. Be silent. 165. Lovers
find secret places inside this violent world. 166. People
who repress desires are hypocrites. 167. Ignore
all who wish to dim your light. 169. Patience
is foreseeing. 170. Don't
resist the uplifting changes that come your way. 172. Walk
out of your house like a prophet that you know you are. 174. Be determined
like Noah. Build the boat, even if the town laughs at you. 175. The
one who points the finger is to blame. 176. Everything
is choice. Choose joy, not pain or sorrow. 178. Birds earn their wings by falling. 179. Keep
walking. Keep moving forward. Keep pushing through. @Shahram
Shiva | Rumi Network | All Rights Reserved. 180. One morning, a presence comes over your soul. You heart sings, not unlike a rooster. You begin to dance in your earth-colored body. 181. Joy is hidden beneath sorrow. 182. Never give from the depths of your well, protect your core. 183. If you could rise above yourself for a moment, the secret of secrets will be revealed to you. 184. In love, aside from sipping the wine of timelessness, nothing else exists. 185. I said, First I know you, then I die. He said, For the one who knows me, there is no dying. 186. You reap what you sow, if you have any sense my friend, don't plant anything but love. 187. Don't bother explaining to those who don't resonate. People are closed to the truth. 188. Learn the alchemy of soul evolution in human form. The moment you understand what growth really is, the door will open. 189. Lose your soul in love, I swear, there is no other way. 190. Empower yourself and you'll grow greater than the world. Only then your true self will be revealed to you 191. The sum of my whole life is in these three sayings: I was raw. I got cooked. I was freed. 192. Half of life is lost in charming others. The other half is lost in going through anxieties caused by others. Rise above this cruel game. 193. Let the fire of love burn my sorrow and purify my soul so I can fly without wings. 194. Open your arms, if you want to be held. 195. Let silence be the art you practice. The quieter you become, the more you hear. 196. Being a candle is not easy, in order to give light one must first burn. 197. As you start to walk on the path, the way appears. 198. Life is a balance between holding on and letting go. 199. I am not the body, I am the soul that lives within. @Shahram
Shiva | Rumi Network | All Rights Reserved. 200. Don't you know yet? It is your light that lights the world. 201. You are not meant for crawling. Use your golden wings and fly. 202. Gratitude is like wine for the soul. Go and have your fill. 203. I said: What about my heart? He said: What you hold inside it? I said: Pain and sorrow. He said: The wound is the place where the light enters you. 204. Dance as you rise above the two worlds. Dance as if to burst your heart and give up your soul. 205. Dance like no one is watching. 206. Don't feel lonely. The entire universe is inside you. 207. You must ask for what you really want. Don't go back to sleep! 208. Yearning! 209. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. 210. Love,
comes to you of its own accord, and the yearning for it 211. Inside you there's an artist you don't know about. 212. Half of life is lost in charming others. The other half is lost in going through anxieties caused by others. Leave this play, you have played enough. 213. Raise your words not voice, it is rain that grows flowers not thunder. 214. I am in a boat made of myself by myself, no light and no land, I try to stay just above the surface, yet I'm already under and living with the ocean. 215. The ground's generosity takes in our compost and grows beauty! Try to be more like the ground. 216. I said: What about my heart? He said: Tell me what you hold inside it? 217. I said: What about my passion? He said: Keep it burning. 218. Death has nothing to do with going away. The sun sets. The moon sets. But they are not gone. 219. Don't grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form. @Shahram
Shiva | Rumi Network | All Rights Reserved. 220. Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. For those who love with their heart and soul there is no such thing as separation. 221. Every mortal will taste death but only some will taste life. 222. I am merely a guest, born in this world to know the secrets that lie beyond it. 223. Before death takes away what you are given, give away what there is to give. 224. Knock, and he'll open the door. Vanish and he'll make you shine like the sun. Fall and he'll raise you to the heavens. Become nothing, and he'll turn you into everything. 225. There is a life-force within your soul, seek that life. There is a gem in the mountain of your body, Seek that mine. O, traveler, if you are in search of that, don't look outside, look inside yourself and seek that. 226. They say there is a doorway from heart to heart but what is the use of a door when there are no walls? 227. Be like a tree, let the dead leaves drop. 228. No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away. 229. I died a mineral and came back a plant. I died a plant and rose an animal. I died an animal and I was man. Why should I fear? When have I been less by dying? 230. In the blackest of your moments, wait with no fear. 231. You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens. 232. The hurt you embrace becomes joy. 233. Don't grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form. 234. Suffering is a gift - in it is hidden mercy. 235. The moment you admit the troubles you've been given, a door will open. 236. Our death is our wedding with eternity. 237. Your shadow self has been serving you. 238. Darkness can also be your candle. You must brave through sources of shadow and light. 239. Listen and lay your head under the tree of awe. @Shahram
Shiva | Rumi Network | All Rights Reserved. 241. If you want the moon, do not hide at night. If you want a rose, do not hide from thorns. If you want love, do not hide from yourself. 242. I once had a thousand desires, but in my one desire to know you, all else melted away. 243. I want to know the joy of how you whisper more. 244. IThe rose's rarest essence, lives in the thorns. 245. The moon stays bright when it doesn't avoid the night. 246. You were born with wings. 247. The world is a mountain, in which your words are echoed back to you. 248.There are as many ways of loving as there are wildflowers. 249.It's good to leave each day behind, like flowing water, free of sadness. Yesterday is gone and its tale told. Today new seeds are growing. . 250.The work of magic is this, that it breathes, and at every breath transforms realities. 251.I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying about who hears or what they think. 252.Everything that is made beautiful and fair is made for the eye ofthe one who sees. 231. My words are fire. * * * * * * * Additional
Quotes Attributed to Rumi Extra 1. Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray. Extra 2. Out beyond the ideas of wrong doing and right doing there is a field, I'll meet you there. Extra 3. Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. Extra 4. Flowers open every night across the sky, a breathing peace and sudden flame catching. Extra 5. When I am silent, I fall into the place where everything is music. Extra 6. Dancing is not getting up any time painlessly like a speck of dust blown around in the wind. Extra 7. The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing, how blind that was. Extra 8. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere, they're in each other all along. Extra 9. I want that love that is the silence of eternity. Extra 10. The flower of what's true opens in the face. Extra 11. Leave this world like the essence of rose that passes through the perfumer's still. |
POEMS The selection below offers a wonderful cross section of Rumi's various topics and moods. They include poems that are deeply passionate, whimsical, spiritual, profound and even those that are considered blasphemous. This selection includes both short (quatrains) and long poems (odes). © Copyright
Shahram Shiva. All poems are from Shahram Shiva's following books: Rumi:
The Beloved is You Hush
Don't Say Anything to God: Passionate Poems of Rumi And the Award-Winning |
All poems are from Shahram Shiva's following books:
The Beloved is You
My Favorite Collection of Deeply Passionate, Whimsical, Spiritual and Profound
Poems and Quotes
(Rumi Network
Don't Say Anything to God: Passionate Poems of Rumi
(Jain Publishing)
the Award-Winning
The Veil: Literal and Poetic Translations of Rumi
(Hohm Press)
don't tell me the Christians are lost.
Don't tell me the Jews are lost. Don't tell me the infidels are lost. Alas, my brother, you are lost, That is why everyone else seems lost. |
I saw the realm of joy and pleasure. There I melted like salt; no religion, no blasphemy, no conviction or uncertainty remained. In the middle of my heart, a star appeared, and the seven heavens were lost in its brilliance. |
true Lover doesn't follow any one religion,
be sure of that. Since in the religion of Love, there is no irreverence or faith. When in Love, body, mind, heart and soul don't even exist. Become this Love, and you will not be separated again. |
think you are alive
because you breathe air? Shame on you, that you are alive in such a limited way. Don't be without Love, so you won't feel dead. Die in Love and stay alive forever. |
is best when mixed with anguish.
In our town, we won't call you a Lover if you escape the pain. Look for Love in this way, welcome it to your soul, and watch your spirit fly away in ecstasy. |
head is bursting
with the joy of the unknown. My heart is expanding a thousand fold. Every cell, taking wings, flies about the world. All seek separately the many faces of my love. |
rests on no foundation.
It is an endless ocean, with no beginning or end. Imagine, a suspended ocean, riding on a cushion of ancient secrets. All souls have drowned in it, and now dwell there. One drop of that ocean is hope, and the rest is fear. |
Love is to be God.
Never will a Lover's chest feel any sorrow. Never will a Lover's robe be touched by mortals. Never will a Lover's body be found buried in the earth. To Love is to be God. |
am drumming,
I am drumming, I am drumming for my Love's ever nearing union. They say get a life. What is all this drumming? I swear to that Love, the day that I stop drumming, is the day that I will stop living. |
said, meet me in the garden.
You know the one-- it is called Smiling Spring. There are nightingales chirping away, wine and candle lights, and companions as soft as pomegranate blossoms. You think this all would sound so perfect! But without you by my side, what use is the Smiling Spring? And when you are with me, what use are pomegranate blossoms? |
am an atom;
you are like the countenance of the Sun for me. I am a patient of Love you are like medicine for me. Without wings, without feathers, I fly about looking for you. I have become a rose petal and you are like the wind for me. Take me for a ride. |
is your turn now,
you waited, you were patient. The time has come, for us to polish you. We will transform your inner pearl into a house of fire. You're a gold mine. Did you know that, hidden in the dirt of the earth? It is your turn now, to be placed in fire. Let us cremate your impurities. |
am powerless by Love's game.
How can you expect me to behave and act modest? How can you expect me to stay at home, like a good little boy? How can you expect me to enjoy being chained like a mad man? Oh, my love, you will find me every night, on your street, with my eyes glued to your window, waiting for a glimpse of your radiant face. |
heal the burning of your sorrow,
I seek a flame. To gather the dust of your door, I seek the palms of my hands. To deal with you hiding behind your holiness, I seek a good time instead. |
is the night. It's the creation of that land of eternity. It's not an ordinary night, it's a wedding of those who seek Love. Tonight, the bride and groom speak in one tongue. Tonight, the bridal chamber is looking particularly bright. |
we talk about the witness in our verse,
we talk about you. A pure heart and a noble demeanor cannot compete with your radiant face. They will ask you what you have produced. Say to them, except for Love, what else can a Lover produce? |
head is bursting
with the joy of the unknown. My heart is expanding a thousand fold. Every cell, taking wings, flies about the world. All seek separately the many faces of my love. |
and became like blood in my body. It rushed through my veins and encircled my heart. Everywhere I looked, I saw one thing. Love's name written on my limbs, on my left palm, on my forehead, on the back of my neck, on my right big toe Oh, my friend, all that you see of me is just a shell, and the rest belongs to love. |
am in Love!
All this advise-- what's the use? I have drunk poison. All this sugar what's the use? You say hurry, tie up his feet. But its my heart that's gone crazy, all this rope around my feet-- what's the use? |
is a certain Love
that is formed out of the elixir of the East. There is a certain cloud, impregnated with a thousand lightnings. There is my body, in it an ocean formed of his glory, all the creation, all the universes, all the galaxies, are lost in it. |
wish I could give you a taste of
the burning fire of Love. There is a fire blazing inside of me. If I cry about it, or if I don't, the fire is at work, night and day. People make clothing to cover their intellect, but the heart of Lovers is a shroud, inflamed in golden hues of Love. |
day I praised you
and never knew it. By night I stayed with you and never knew it. I always thought that I was me--but no, I was you and never knew it. |
world is no match for your Love.
Being away from you is death aiming to take my soul away. My heart, so precious, I won't trade for a hundred thousand souls. Your one smile takes it for free. |
saw Sorrow
holding a cup of pain. I said, hey sorrow, sorry to see you this way. What's troubling you? What's with the cup? Sorrow said, what else can I do? All this Joy that you have brought to the world has killed my business completely. |
I am me,
nor you are you, nor you are me. Also, I am me, you are you and you are me. We have become one in such a way, That I am confused whether I am you, or you are me. |
you know what you are?
You are a manuscript of a divine letter. You are a mirror reflecting a noble face. This universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you are already that. |
is the night. It is the creation of that land of eternity. It is not an ordinary night, It is a wedding of those who seek unity. Tonight, the bride and groom speak in one tongue. Tonight, the bridal chamber is looking particularly bright. |
ahead: ask me!
Ask me about Love, and I will tell you the essence of madness. Ask me of an intellect gone mad, and I will show you a soul departed for good. Ask me of a hundred calamities, of a hundred life transformations. Ask me of a hundred deserts engulfed in fire. Ask me of a hundred oceans red with blood. |
I am an atom; you are like the countenance of the Sun for me. I am a patient of Love you are like medicine for me. Without wings, without feathers, I fly about looking for you. I have become a rose petal and you are like the wind for me. Take me for a ride. |
Your Body is a Guest House Listen,
oh beautiful soul. Your
body is like a guest house, All
mirroring your needs. Whoever
that comes from these unseen lands, Remember,
every visitor, © Copyright Shahram Shiva. |
Keep Walking Keep moving
upward. |
No Religion Tonight,
I've lost
myself in it In the
middle of my heart, |
Whirling When you
dance the whole universe dances. |
Heart of Fire He smiled
like a rose in full bloom, What you
thought was heat, What you
thought was a blinding glow, Walk right
in, |
Ascension From the
dust of the earth to a human being, And I will
be with you |
For Weddings May this
marriage be blessed. |
Gathering of Lovers This is
a gathering of Lovers. |
The Beloved is You Rumi's drunken poems have multiple meanings. Rumi wants us to know that for him they represent a sense of ecstatic abandonment brought about by movement, breathing and whirling. However, they also quite literally represent wild nights of partying. Keep in mind Rumi didn't invent Persian mysticism. It has been around for at least four thousand years. He was simply taken for a short ride on a guest pass. Shams on the other hand was a real pro and signified Rumi's polarity. Rumi may have been very conversative, but Shams did what he wanted, when he wanted. His reputation as a wild mystic was well earned. Many of the poems in the Cult of the Tavern are referencing Shams' gloriously uninhibited lifestyle. ©
Copyright Shahram Shiva. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate without
permission. |
Awaken The Drunks Awaken
the drunks |
the pure wine of
love and freedom. But sir, a tornado is coming. More wine, we'll teach this storm A thing or two about whirling. |
will drink wine night and day. They will drink until they can tear away the veils of intellect and melt away the layers of shame and modesty. When in Love, body, mind, heart and soul dont even exist. Become this, fall in Love, and you will not be separated again. |
Lover is ever drunk with Love.
He is mad, she is free. He sings with delight, she dances with ecstasy. Caught by our own thoughts, we worry about everything. But once we get drunk on that Love whatever will be, will be. |
am so drunk
I have lost the way in and the way out. I have lost the earth, the moon, and the sky. Don't put another cup of wine in my hand, pour it in my mouth, for I have lost the way to my mouth. |
sipped some of love's sweet wine,
and now I am ill. My body aches, my fever is high. They called in the doctor and he said, drink this tea! Ok, time to drink this tea. He said, Take these pills! Ok, time to take these pills. The doctor said, And get rid of the sweet wine of love's lips! Ok, time to get rid of the doctor. |
The Beloved is You ©
Copyright Shahram Shiva. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate without
permission. |
was such a master, that on the path of God. |
are the lovers of love, and Moslems are different. |
the path of union, the wise man and the mad man are one. |
have lost myself in God, and now God is mine. |
that beloved |
I pray it's only so my heart would turn toward you. |
don't say those treading the path are not the chosen ones. |
is you, making me drunk in a monastery. |
All Rumi poems are from Shahram Shiva's books
The Beloved is You
My Favorite Collection of Deeply Passionate, Whimsical, Spiritual and Profound
Poems and Quotes
Network Publishing)
Don't Say Anything to God: Passionate Poems of Rumi
(Jain Publishing)
LOVEDRUNK CD LYRICS All Lyrics © Copyright Shahram Shiva. All Rights Reserved. Do Not Use or Copy without Permission. Contact for Rights, Publishing and Information. |
SAID TO ME I worship the
moon. Dont
talk about sorrow, Last night I said, O Love I will whisper
secrets in your ear A soul moon
I said, O Love I said, please
reveal this to me I said, O Love,
Lyrics from
RUMI: Lovedrunk CD |
2. LOVEDRUNK The lover is
ever drunk with love. Caught by our
own thoughts, Lyrics from
RUMI: Lovedrunk CD |
TOO MUCH Oh soul, You say, Oh soul, Look at yourself,
Oh soul, Your arms are
heavy Of those who
are blind to your beauty, Oh soul, You have seen
your own strength. Be silent,
like a fish, Lyrics from
RUMI: Lovedrunk CD |
ME Lover me, cave
me, Light you,
celebration you, The orb of
the Sun you, Bait you, trap
you, If you dont
run my body too hard, Lyrics from
RUMI: Lovedrunk CD |
5. I SAW
plunge This is me: Last night,
I saw Goodness getting drunk. Lyrics from
RUMI: Lovedrunk CD |
6. I'VE
GOT YOU NOW My face free
of sorrow, He says, "Thats
what I do. He moves too
fast. NOW! The seven heavens
cannot contain him, This lion of
God He says, "Ive
got you now. I am your harp,
You know! Lyrics from
RUMI: Lovedrunk CD |
PEARLS Neither I am
Lyrics from
RUMI: Lovedrunk CD |
OF LOVERS This is a gathering
of Lovers. Lyrics from
RUMI: Lovedrunk CD |
FOR MADNESS Once more,
Once more,
it is the night of the full moon, Insomnia took
my patience. Once more,
Like the way
a garden burns Look, two hundred
Jupiters My Love business
is booming, Little do they
know, Once more,
Lyrics from
RUMI: Lovedrunk CD |
10. INVOCATION Appear oh Shams, Lyrics from
RUMI: Lovedrunk CD |
All Lyrics © Copyright Shahram Shiva. All Rights Reserved. Do Not Use or Copy Without Permission. Contact for Rights, Publishing and Information. |
LOVE EVOLVE CD LYRICS 5 Songs with Rumi Translations and 5 Songs with Original Lyrics RUMI: Love Evolve features five Rumi songs (in addition to five original lyrics) by Shahram Shiva. Please find the Rumi poems from Love Evolve below. All Lyrics © Copyright Shahram Shiva. All Rights Reserved. Do Not Use or Copy without Permission. Contact for Rights, Publishing and Information. |
THIS IS ENLIGHTENMENT You are hypnotized by the whirl of the universe. You
are an ageless lone spark, You are a spiral of light A fountain of fire, Be a shower of shine. Yes,
you can handle love. All
that you seek, Yes,
you can handle love. Lyrics
I talk about love, Let
go, Open
up, So
I talk about love, Lets
talk about you. Do
you push forward, Or
cling to the past. Yes, Let
go, Open
up, Heres
to love and And
heres to you Lyrics
mind the destination, Grow
from the past, The
end is eternal As
there are billions of stars Last
night, Listen
my love, The
end is eternal As
there are billions of stars Listen, Listen
my love, Lyrics
lost myself in it In
the middle of my heart, Lyrics
got it all figured out You
are all that youll ever want, You
believe stories of gods You
swing from Dogma to Dogma You
think, you got it all figured out. You
are all that youll ever want, Lyrics
the middle path, Embrace
the whole of you (Don't cling to one side or another) Embrace
the dark in your light. {{Set
a higher tone,}} This
is a master class Rid
your soul of shackles of convention. {{Soul
evolution is?}} The
beloved Come
out of your self. {{We
are eternal beings From
the moment you are born {{Escape with your mind and the desire to be free and learn more.}} You
are star light, particles of matter mixed with energy. {{Manifest
like a flame}} Enjoy this bounty, eat your heart out Now
listen: Lyrics
DANCE UNIVERSE When you dance the whole universe dances. All the realms spun around you in endless celebration. Your soul loses its grip. Your body sheds its fatigue. Hearing my hands clap and my drum beat, You begin to whirl. Lyrics
came, Everywhere
I looked, Love's
touch: Love's touch... Now, Lyrics
back, The
essence of Love The
path of Love, I
have torn to pieces my robe of speech, Lyrics
have come I
have come I
will make you guiltless, I
have come like a breeze of spring I
have come I
have come Like
the cry of lovers, From
the dust of the earth to a human being, And
I will be with you Lyrics
All Lyrics © Copyright Shahram Shiva. All Rights Reserved. Do Not Use or Copy Without Permission. Contact for Rights, Publishing and Information. |
Above Rumi poems are from Shahram Shiva's books
The Beloved is You
My Favorite Collection of Deeply Passionate, Whimsical, Spiritual and Profound
Poems and Quotes
(Rumi Network
Don't Say Anything to God: Passionate Poems of Rumi
(Jain Publishing)
(Hohm Press)
© Copyright Shahram Shiva. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate without
Simple sharing on Social Media is OK with credit.
for rights, publishing and information.
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