Eshgh, az azalast va taa abad khaahad bood
Jooyandeye eshgh, bee'adad khaahad bood
Fardaa ke ghiyaamat, aashkaaraa gardad
Har del ke na aashegh ast, rad khaahad bood
Love | is from | the infinite | and | until | eternity | it will | be
The seeker of | love | without a count/number (transcend time) | he will | be
Tomorrow | when | resurrection | reveals | itself
Any | heart | that | not | in love | is | fail/not pass | it will | be
Love is from the infinite and will remain until eternity.
The seeker of love escapes the chains of birth and death.
Tomorrow when resurrection comes,
Any heart that is not in love will fail the test.